Horse Temperament
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Is Your Horse Reaching His Full Potential?

Earth Horse Formula

Earth Balancing Formula: Sweet & Energized

The Earth Horse Formula is based on the unique needs of this temperament type. It contains:

-Drying herbs to offset the tendency of the Earth horse to build up fluids in his tissues.
-Specific amino acids and minerals are included to help the build strong muscles and to improve endurance.
-Digestive enzymes are provided to support proper breakdown of foods.
-Additional amino acids are used to support the mood of the Earth horse to help him be more ambitious and less inclined to worry.

This formula is specifically designed to maintain balance in the Earth horse but it can also be used in other temperament types experiencing imbalance in the Earth element due to exposure to extreme or prolonged damp or rainy conditions.

For all the Balancing Formulas, an 8 day course, given once a month is the suggested protocol for maintaining balance. However longer courses of 1/2 a dose a day may be needed for the horse in training or under stress (physical or emotional). One bag will last 4 month if given the first 8 days of every month.

Stress is going to be a part of our horse’s lives so it is important to recognize it. Often stress behavior is mistaken for bad behavior and the horse is punished which creates more stress. A better option is to offer specialized nutritional support to mitigate the Stress Symptoms. If the negative Stress Symptoms are lessened then they are less likely to lead to behavior or physical health issues in the horse. In other words, if we can’t make the stress go away we can help the horse have less of a negative reaction to it.

Earth Horse Formula

Reducing Stress Symptoms is an important part of the principle behind the Five Element balancing formulas. These formulas are very carefully designed to provide each horse temperament with the nutrients specifically needed by his type when under stress. Providing these extra nutrients will decrease the occurrence of Stress Symptoms.

We are ready to take orders for these balancing formulas. If you don’t know your horse’s type we have expert Temperament Consultants to help you. We are excited to offer Five Element balancing formulas and are very much look forward to hearing from you on how they are working for your horse. So far the feedback has been quite positive.